ROBERT O. remembers making squiggles at age 2 ½, though he feels he became a much more substantial artist beginning at age 5. “I did begin to define myself as an artist in grammar school. That’s when I began to repeat and redraw things on purpose.” Robert is an artist whose primary medium is markers on paper. His style would be considered semi-realistic, loose and with the occasional abstraction. The images are black and white line drawing and often with a cartoon vibe. Robert has an eye for the satirical and his work often encompasses some political or moral convention. “I get inspired by motion pictures, folklore and the foibles of man and society.” On putting images of himself in his work Robert says, “I’m not always comfortable exposing myself but I guess we can all poke fun at ourselves sometimes.” He hopes that people have some insight into Autism when they see his work.
His ideas can come in an instant or take many days to develop. He works most consistently with markers though he has tried a few new things lately such as painting with oil crayons on a piece of slate.
Robert is a man with many interests such as garage rock music, phonograph records, “especially old time 78’s” and animated cartoons. Robert will continue his examination of society in his line drawing work while considering computer graphics as a future medium.
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Gigi F.
Carrie P.
Erin R.
Daniel M.