ZAK Z. is inspired by many influences throughout the history of art. He cites, modern art and Andy Warhol as key motivators; he credits his trips to MOMA as encouraging him to “do strange stuff”. He feels modern art is something that is different and catches people’s attention. He has found an affinity for Digital Photography and the art of Digital Manipulation. The programs he most often uses include, FX Photo Studio, Perfect Image Professional, PicsArt, Photo Lab, Art Rage, and Microsoft Ink. When asked how long he has been an artist, he responds, “Way before there were computers… 2007, when I graduated from school.” Zak remembers, “In 2007, I got my first job working at Walgreens, where I learned the value of money. I saved up enough to buy my first apple computer from the Shorthills Mall.”
Creating art is fundamental to Zak; he says, “My lightbulb goes off in my head telling me about an idea I have to create. When something pops into my head, I have to get it out.” He is excited by the idea of manipulating a photo with a computer program from what it originally was into something completely different. He gains his inspiration for his art from dreams, gallery visits, and other people’s artwork. When working on a piece of art, he says he “… doesn’t want to work past the point where the work will lose its focus.”
Zak hopes his art stirs feelings of happiness and that it generates “awesome emotions for the people who take the experience in.”
Other than visual art, Zak enjoys videotaping live performances and posting on social media. He also enjoys playing arcade games. He likes trying to eat healthy and exercise.
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