MAM Art Truck Visits the WAE Center

We welcomed Dan Fenelon and the MAM Art Truck back for its 4th visit with us on August 10th. It was an especially nice day, which we had also planned one of summer BBQ’s to take place on.

Dan came with a “Flower Project” this year. Members were invited to decorate large circles, “petals”, and “stems”. With hot glue, Dan built oversized flowers from these pieces, which we hope to adorn our walls with.

More than anything, Dan has an incredible ability to interact, support, and challenge our members in their creative exploration and discovery. He is always encouraging and never thrown off track, even if things don’t always go as planned. Everyone is able to walk away from his workshop feeling great about what they experienced with him. With varying levels of contribution, everyone who worked on the flowers is left with the impression by Dan that they were the needed “finishing touch” to complete the sculpture. Dan has an exceptional ability to find the wondrous in the every day; it is a great energy to be around!!!